Could Flash AIR Desktop open onscreen keyboard on Windows? -

Could Flash AIR Desktop open onscreen keyboard on Windows? -

i need open onscreen keyboard input flash air desktop. application run on public space on touchscreen monitor. need app fullscreen , no access other app.

i manage utilize virtual keyboard on flash text input. but, cannot done when need login facebook, because facebook open new dialog. can't access textbox utilize fill using virtual keybard.

facebook login dialog on clicking facebook login in flash air app

i need onscreen keyboard minimal access. preferable tablet input (tabtip) on windows 8

i know post has been created year ago, i'm sure reply might usefull people in case.

so open touch keyboard on windows 8 air, totally possible.

i open cmd first , utilize writeutfbytes open tabtip.exe (edit path if can't create work)

var file:file = file.applicationdirectory; file = file.resolvepath("c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe"); var v : vector.<string> = new vector.<string>(); v.push("start c:/progra~1/common~1/micros~1/ink/tabtip.exe"); var nativeprocessstartupinfo:nativeprocessstartupinfo = new nativeprocessstartupinfo(); nativeprocessstartupinfo.executable = file; var process:nativeprocess = new nativeprocess(); process.start(nativeprocessstartupinfo); process.standardinput.writeutfbytes(v + "\n");

windows flash air


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