Touch screen panel + USB controller - send generic (x,y) data to PC -

Touch screen panel + USB controller - send generic (x,y) data to PC -

i'm wondering how impossible can connect touch panel (with usb controller) pc send x,y coordinates when event happens (the panel touched).

after searching web couldn't find more pieces of info don't tell whole story. of understood far can purchase touch panel development kit (ebay), create basic c code acts driver , utilize c functions handle input on device in other applications.

question is, touch panel + usb controller + c code plenty in order utilize input on touch panel in other applications i'll build myself (in c++ or other languages)? , c code be? (i don't want utilize touch panel mouse, independent. should provide coords when touch event happend thru function phone call - part of c code mentioned earlier)

an reply "buy [touch panel] , [microcontroller], write c code [code], compile g++, run build , utilize [getcoord()] function whenever [touchhappened()] function returns true" nice true?

a multi touch panel improve (if not expensive). also, on linux.

not sure if interpreting question correctly if going "when user touches screen give me x , y coordinates location on screen application" not need micro controller.

if purchase touch-filter can add together existing screen might intend product for, has linux driver if around. can utilize usb touch screen since if not give mouse interface in turn can utilize x, y coordinates. not sure language comfortable writing how python.

from xlib import display info = display.display().screen().root.query_pointer()._data data["root_x"], data["root_y"]

controller touch screen panel
