html - Unwanted white space at the bottom of the page - Can't find an answer? -

html - Unwanted white space at the bottom of the page - Can't find an answer? -

i kind of new stackoverflow, came here help... have stupid question: have unwanted white space @ bottom of page, has been bothering me days , can't seem prepare it... website is: picture: give thanks you!

i see white space in maximized window. if that's want rid of, you're going need scale content (which might ugly) or space out vertically. either way, think looks fine.

if white space issue browser specific, seek adding @ origin of css *{padding:0;margin:0;} , seeing if fixes things.

and on personal note, move away byet. sound who's learning aren't seem. i've had best luck

edit: it's window. if bothers , want framing, go ahead , give page center column:

body{ width:1000px; margin:auto auto; }

html css
