How can I write assertion for hidden alerts in Selenium IDE -

How can I write assertion for hidden alerts in Selenium IDE -

i have assert hidden alert in selenium ide. commands suggested ide failed. below mentioned html tag error message. help!

<article class="alertify-log alertify-log-error alertify-log-show alertify-log- hide">error: user name , password doesn't match. please seek again.</article>

asserts article present:

<tr> <td>assertelementpresent</td> <td>css=article[class*='hide'][class*='alertify-log-error']</td> <td></td> </tr>

asserts text present:

<tr> <td>asserttext</td> <td>css=article[class*='hide'][class*='alertify-log-error']</td> <td>error: user name , password doesn't match. please seek again.</td> </tr>



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