c# - How to simplify the code Using LINQ -

c# - How to simplify the code Using LINQ -

i need know how implement below logic list of items help of linq without using foreach. also, need exclude matching items item list after adding item new list.


list<stockresult> stockres = new list<stockresult>(); foreach (var stkitms in item) { if (db.stk.any(a => a.ino == stkitms.itemnum)) { stockresult ss = new stockresult(); ss.itemnumber = stkitms.itemnum; ss.filename = stkitms.filename; stockres.add(ss); } }

any solution appreciated.

you seek one:

list<stockresult> stockres = item.where(x=>db.stk.any(a => a.ino == x.itemnum)) select(x=> new stockresult() { itemnumber = x.itemnum, filename = x.filename }).tolist();

c# linq
