oracle - grant select on view -

oracle - grant select on view -

somewhere along way going wrong, , can't seem find out why. if asked apologies.

i have 3 schema's in database: colldesk local_it gerben

colldesk our main schema, local_it our local development, , gerben end user (should have select options).

now have table in colldesk schema called gestiones. in local_it have view called actions. holding 4 columns table gestiones in colldesk schema. far good!

now want give gerben schema select privileges in view actions. when say

grant select on local_it.actions gerben

i error ora-01720: grant alternative not exist colldesk.gestiones

now tried giving gerben select privileges gestiones, still getting error message

any help appreciated!

kind regards


create public synonym view , seek 1 time again grants

create public synonym actions local_it.actions; grant select on actions gerben;

oracle select database-schema grant
