javascript - Updating an html "value" with a jquery variable -

javascript - Updating an html "value" with a jquery variable -

so i'm building messaging application in user clicks on button, jquery prompt displayed asking user type in message, , ideally message sent using separate ajax function.

here code in question:

jquery message prompt function:

function getinput() { var text = prompt("enter message", ""); if (text != null) { document.getelementbyid("demo").innerhtml = text; //failed effort @ updating value using id of input. } }


<form name="messagesend" method="post" onsubmit="return sendmessage(this);"> <input type="hidden" id="demo" name="message" value="i want update field result of javascript text variable" /> <input type="hidden" name="regid" value="<?php echo $row["gcm_regid"] ?>"/> <input type="submit" class="send_btn" value="volume-vibrate" onclick="getinput()"/> </form>

as can see, field want update string contained in value message beingness sent. how update result of whatever user puts in text prompt?

any help appreciated!


updated jquery function following:

function getinput() { var text = prompt("enter message", ""); if (text != null) { $("#demo").val(text); } }

this may different question, when button created in html posted clicked, displays prompt , type in message, default value placed still message beingness sent.

onsubmit="return sendmessage(this);"

being executed before jquery updating value field? , if so, there anyway prepare that?

if helps, here sendmessage uses ajax send off message php script. html value field (which i'm trying user-input string jquery prompt using getinput()) becomes data variable, contains registration id of designated recipient of message.

function sendmessage(formobj){ var info = $(formobj).serialize(); $(formobj).unbind('submit'); $.ajax({ url: "send_message.php", type: 'get', data: data, beforesend: function() { }, success: function(data, textstatus, xhr) { $('.txt_message').val(""); }, error: function(xhr, textstatus, errorthrown) { } }); homecoming false; }

a html field doesn't have inner html (the tag self-closing), has value (and value property).

but you're using jquery, should utilize functions anyway: $("#demo").val(text)

javascript jquery html


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