javascript - Ember-data "Assertion Failed: Error: Assertion Failed: The response from a findAll must be an Array, not undefined" -

javascript - Ember-data "Assertion Failed: Error: Assertion Failed: The response from a findAll must be an Array, not undefined" -

i have been stuck on issue quite awhile now. have thoroughly researched issue on stackoverflow , unable find solution.

i trying load json info application store ember-data , rails api. using ember-cli.

the error continuing is: assertion failed: error: assertion failed: response findall must array, not undefined

the application consists of several reports each have charts. server fires off request api (with uuid tacked on query string) , receives next json response:

{ reports: [ { id: 1, name: "report 1", description: "test study 1", display_order: 0, chart_ids: [ 1 ] }, { id: 2, name: "report 2", description: "test study 2", display_order: 1, chart_ids: [ 5, 6 ] } ] }

this route reports:

export default ember.route.extend({ setupcontroller: function(controller) { controller.set('model','report')); } });

and models:

var study = ds.model.extend({ name: ds.attr('string'), description: ds.attr('string'), displayorder: ds.attr('integer'), charts: ds.hasmany('chart', { async: true }) }); var chart = ds.model.extend({ reports: ds.belongsto('report'), config: ds.attr() });

i using activemodeladapter , activemodelserializer:


export default ds.activemodeladapter.extend({ namespace: 'api', ajax: function(url, type, hash) { if (ember.isempty(hash)) { hash = {}; } if (ember.isempty( { = {}; } = $.cookie('uuid'); this._super(url, type, hash); } });

and serializer:

export default ds.activemodelserializer.extend();

i'm frustrated @ moment. ember debugger isn't beingness helpful. help super appreciated.

let me know if more info helpful.

i'm pretty sure needs charts_ids instead of chart_ids (note s after chart) in json response reports.

or alter hasmany chart (though seems weird)

var study = ds.model.extend({ name: ds.attr('string'), description: ds.attr('string'), displayorder: ds.attr('integer'), chart: ds.hasmany('chart', { async: true }) });

you're not returning ajax.

app.applicationadapter= ds.activemodeladapter.extend({ namespace: 'api', ajax: function(url, type, hash) { if (ember.isempty(hash)) { hash = {}; } if (ember.isempty( { = {}; } = $.cookie('uuid'); homecoming this._super(url, type, hash); } });

javascript ruby-on-rails json ember.js
