mysql - truncate command ( Hive vs SQL) -

mysql - truncate command ( Hive vs SQL) -

i expecting same behavior of truncate in sql , hive. different. want confirm if perceiving wrongly

1) in sql, next command drop table , create again. partitions dropped if exist

mysql> truncate table t1;

2) in hive, next command delete info table. not drop existing partitions. need drop manually.

hive> truncate table t1;

i found 1 more issue, if add together column partitioned table altering it. there problem in insert overwrite info table. work around found drop existing partitions on table.

is issue in hive(version 0.13)? other difference in using truncate hive , sql?

in hive truncate table removes rows table or partition(s).

the partitions won't remove.we have manually drop partitions.

currently target table should native/managed table or exception thrown.

mysql sql hadoop truncate hiveql


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