ios - NSMutableArray in NSMutableArray as a single object -

ios - NSMutableArray in NSMutableArray as a single object -

i trying add together nsmutablearray in nsmutablearray. trying nested arrays.

my current code is:

nsmutablearray *array1 = [nsmutablearray arraywithobjects: @"red", @"green", @"blue", @"yellow", nil]; nsmutablearray *array2 =[[nsmutablearray alloc] init]; [array2 addobject:array1];

this code adding 4 objects in array2 want add together array1 single object.

edit: code working know in case in xcode wrong initializing , adding 4 objects. still not figure out. piece of code working properly. problem initialization in loop.

i copy/pasted code, , adds 1 object array2, not four.

printing description of array2: <__nsarraym 0xc46c7b0>( <-- array has 1 object <__nsarraym 0xc488770>( <-- array has 4 objects red, green, blue, yellowish ) )

you may getting confused fact printing description, prints contents of inner array also.

ios xcode nsmutablearray


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