ios - When does UITextAutocorrectionTypeDefault not result in autocorrection being enabled? -

ios - When does UITextAutocorrectionTypeDefault not result in autocorrection being enabled? -

the developer docs uitextinputtraits state:

the default value property uitextautocorrectiontypedefault, input methods results in auto-correction beingness enabled

is there documentation on input methods or situations result in auto-correction beingness disabled?

i not sure there's such documentation (i couldn't find any), 1 possible illustration of auto-correction beingness disabled when uitextfield instance (which conforms uitextinputtraits default) used secure entering:

textfield.securetextentry = yes;

in other words, scheme doesn't auto-correct password type expected.

if still need info specific cases when auto-correction disabled, may seek asking question on apple developer forums.

ios autocorrect
