install - Installing Ruby On OSX Mavericks -

install - Installing Ruby On OSX Mavericks -

i have upgraded imac os recent osx mavericks (10.9.3) , unable install ruby 1.9.3. have run proposed solution in book. have installed xcode, command line tools, fixed every warning , error using brew doctor until got "your scheme ready brew" message, , several other methods proposed online. suggestions help greatly. below error getting when utilize command ruby install 1.9.3 other variations command. (this happens every version of ruby well, not 1.9.3). no matter do, exact same error occurs right after "openssl..........."

installing required packages: readline, openssl........... error running 'requirements_osx_brew_libs_install readline openssl', showing lastly 15 lines of /users/julian/.rvm/log/1403049978_ruby-2.1.2/package_install_readline_openssl.log ++ /scripts/functions/logging : rvm_pretty_print() 81 > case "$1" in ++ /scripts/functions/logging : rvm_pretty_print() 82 > [[ -t 1 ]] ++ /scripts/functions/logging : rvm_pretty_print() 82 > homecoming 1 ++ /scripts/functions/logging : rvm_warn() 139 > printf %b 'there bundle installation errors, create sure read log. seek `brew tap --repair` , create sure `brew doctor` looks reasonable. check homebrew requirements\n' there bundle installation errors, create sure read log. seek `brew tap --repair` , create sure `brew doctor` looks reasonable. check homebrew requirements ++ /scripts/functions/requirements/osx_brew : requirements_osx_brew_libs_install() 63 > case "$_system_version" in ++ /scripts/functions/requirements/osx_brew : requirements_osx_brew_libs_install() 70 > homecoming 1 requirements installation failed status: 1.

if tool using install software isn't working, abandon it.

first off, don't need bundle manager install ruby. can go ruby download page , download ruby-2.1.2.tar.gz (or other version), , install ruby hand. yes, know sounds scary--but it's simple.

open terminal app(look in applications/utilities), cd downloads directory:

$ cd ~/downloads

then untar(i.e. unpack files):

~/downloads$ tar xfvz ruby-2.1.2.tar.gz

untaring files create directory named ruby-2.1.2. cd directory:

~/downloads$ cd ruby-2.1.2

then open readme file and/or install file, , follow directions. previous steps install software. instructions in ruby readme file boil downwards this:

~/donwloads/ruby-2.1.2$ ./cofigure ~/donwloads/ruby-2.1.2$ make ~/donwloads/ruby-2.1.2$ sudo create install

if encounter fatal error in steps, there should plenty of info available on google.

if plan install multiple versions of ruby, consider using rvm or rbenv...or homebrew. personally, i've never used bundle manager homebrew install anything, , i've been installing stuff on macs long time. still don't have clue i'm doing, steps simple, doesn't matter. , if encounter problems, search google.

however...package managers can nice if trying install has lots of dependencies--but if bundle manager doesn't work, it's time seek else.

ruby install rvm osx-mavericks homebrew
