jsp - How to check if my value is null or empty? -

jsp - How to check if my value is null or empty? -

in jsp code have following:

<s:iterator value="details" id="cle" status="rowcle"> <s:iterator value="value" status="row" > <tr> <s:if test="%{#surname== ''}"> <td>&nbsp;</td> </s:if> <s:else> <td class="reference"><s:property value="%{gettext(key.longname.tolowercase()) }" /></td> </s:else>

depending on value of surname (which field getter in object details, in value stack) want display value longname or blank.

i have no problem display {gettext(key.longname.tolowercase()), display surname later in code, concern testing content of surname check if null or empty.

i have tried several options such

"%{#surname== ''}"> %{surname== null}'> '%{#surname== null}'>

but none works.

i bit lost. have solution please?

thank you. b.

jsp struts2 jsp-tags share|improve question asked jun 20 '14 @ 10:47 ecoli 377 1   surname == null || surname == ''. – aleksandr m jun 20 '14 @ 10:51      very fast answer! give thanks you. works. think time me dig concepts of using # or { or nil because lost. – ecoli jun 20 '14 @ 10:59 add comment |  3 answers 3 active oldest votes up vote 1 down vote accepted

its improve using validation.so these validation codes removed view layer(jsp). can inherit method validate() action class extending actionsupport. add together validation codes here.if validation grab error show above jsp page textbox.

share|improve answer answered jun 22 '14 @ 4:26 afsal parangooz 1225      of course!! how should it. read , totally forgot it. give thanks reminding me right way it. – ecoli jun 23 '14 @ 17:54      you welcome :) – afsal parangooz jun 24 '14 @ 4:55 add comment |  var ados = ados || {}; ados.run = ados.run || []; ados.run.push(function () { ados_add_placement(22,8277,"adzerk621423366",4).setzone(44); }); up vote 1 down vote

so wrote code:

<s:if test="%{ (surname!=null) && (!surname.isempty()) }">

and inverted content of if , else, test opposite.

no need # or {.... because surname in value stack straight accessible.

share|improve answer edited jun 20 '14 @ 11:03 aleksandr m 17.5k113450 answered jun 20 '14 @ 11:02 ecoli 377 add comment |  up vote 0 down vote

the “debug” tag useful debugging tag output content of “value stack” , “stack context” details in web page

for more reference u may see link debugging struts <s:debug /> in body

share|improve answer answered jun 20 '14 @ 10:52 msr 522218      i have tried ton insert <s:debug /> created errors left behind, perhaps should give seek because should useful – ecoli jun 20 '14 @ 11:03 add comment |  your answer stackexchange.ifusing("editor", function () { stackexchange.using("externaleditor", function () { stackexchange.using("snippets", function () { stackexchange.snippets.init(); }); }); }, "code-snippets"); stackexchange.ready(function() { inittagrenderer("".split(" "), "".split(" ")); stackexchange.using("externaleditor", function() { // have fire editor after snippets, if snippets enabled if (stackexchange.options.snippets.enabled) { stackexchange.using("snippets", function() { createeditor(); }); } else { createeditor(); } }); function createeditor() { prepareeditor({ heartbeattype: 'answer', convertimagestolinks: true, reputationtopostimages: 10, bindnavprevention: true, postfix: "", ondemand: true, discardselector: ".discard-answer" ,immediatelyshowmarkdownhelp:true }); } });   draft saved draft discarded sign or log in stackexchange.ready(function () { stackexchange.helpers.onclickdraftsave('#login-link'); });

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