sql server - Need the query to check the column type for inserted or deleted Magic tables -

sql server - Need the query to check the column type for inserted or deleted Magic tables -

i trying create trigger table has 1 image/text type column.i know sql not allow trigger text, ntext , image column.so decided audit table without above mentioned type column.i dont want utilize instead of trigger changing 1 of existing programme generate trigger table in database.

what want select * [inserted] (column type not text/image/ntext)

i need query check column type inserted or deleted table.

you can utilize data_type alter test_db

select data_type,* test_db.information_schema.columns order table_name, ordinal_position select data_type,* test_db.information_schema.columns data_type = 'text' or data_type='image' or data_type='ntext' order table_name, ordinal_position select data_type,* test_db.information_schema.columns table_name='inserted' , ( data_type not in( 'text', 'image','ntext')) order table_name, ordinal_position

