Google maps geocoder for OpenStreetMap -

Google maps geocoder for OpenStreetMap -

i utilize exclusively openstreetmap, not geocoding, because think nominatim not flexible.

can utilize google geocoder free , unrestricted? need write on website utilize google geocoder? there restrictions, this

however, find unusual because only utilize google geocoder.

for clarification: php:

$filename="".$_get['address']."+&sensor=true_or_false"; $xml = simplexml_load_file($filename); $lat=$xml->result[0]->geometry[0]->location[0]->lat; $lon=$xml->result[0]->geometry[0]->location[0]->lng;

and these coordinates utilize openstreetmap.

i happy answer.



no cannot.

the geocoding api may used in conjunction google map; geocoding results without displaying them on map prohibited. finish details on allowed usage, consult maps api terms of service license restrictions.

derived google

google-maps openstreetmap google-geocoder restrictions
