How to save different cube variables in matlab? -

How to save different cube variables in matlab? -

i have loop , in each iteration creates cube of data, , want utilize them later in different loop. since in cube form, can not have them illustration a(:,j) each iteration j have vector.

is there way have them after end of loop? how using num2str? have illustration a1, a2, ... , can read them in next loop j (for illustration a(j=1) )?

i have this:

for j=1:n aj = something; end jj=1:n ajj end

if understand correctly, sounds have go 4th dimension :)

%# pre-allocate = zeros( <size of cube>, n); %# generate cubes j = 1:n a(:,:,:,j) = <your info cube> end %# utilize info cubes j = 1:n cube = a(:,:,:,j); end



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