elasticsearch - How to fetch 2 or more docs if a query matches at least once in the doc? -

elasticsearch - How to fetch 2 or more docs if a query matches at least once in the doc? -

i new elasticsearch. there way write queries match , list out documnents matches available fields including mutual ones?

i'll seek set example.

i have scheme based on criteria give out recommendations. graph. eg: starting product, osname, architecture(machine), release, version & on. 1st match product , osname mutual search. later search if architecture x86 if true, add together doc result & if release of service pack 1 add together 1 time again result. @ end, result should contain both 3 & 4 docs both has mutual fields product , osname , 1 of query matches phrase "service pack 1" , other matces "x86"

below 2 of recommendations if query satisfies criteria give doc. below doc has product & osname mutual fields.

put /support/recommendation/3 { "recommendation":"suggested architecture 64 bit", "type":"warning", "criteria": { "product": ["tar","zip"], "osname": "windows", "machine": "x86" } } set /support/recommendation/4 { "recommendation":"service pack 2 or more needed", "type":"error", "criteria": { "product": ["tar","zip"], "osname": "windows", "release": "service pack 1" } }

my query

get /support/recommendation/_search { /*search tar, windows, 32bit(x86) & sp1*/ "query": { "filtered" : { "query": { "bool" : { "must": [ {"match": { "product": "tar" } }, {"match": { "osname": "windows" } } ], "must": [ {"match_phrase": { "release": "service pack 1" }} ], "should": [ {"match": { "machine": "x86" } } ] } } } } }

is there way accomplish this?

if want docs in result if match either machine: x86 or release: service pack 1, utilize should clause including both.

get /support/recommendation/_search { /*search tar, windows, 32bit(x86) & sp1*/ "query": { "filtered" : { "query": { "bool" : { "must": [ {"match": { "product": "tar" } }, {"match": { "osname": "windows" } } ], "should": [ {"match": { "machine": "x86" } }, {"match_phrase": { "release": "service pack 1" } } ], "minimum_should_match" : 1 } } } } }

update: added minimum_should_match clause

