.net - PDF4NET: Change orientation of Canvas.DrawText() -

.net - PDF4NET: Change orientation of Canvas.DrawText() -

in 1 of application utilize pdf4netto print info onto pdf-file. goal utilize method drawtext.

right question has arisen specific countries/labels (arabic) orientation must alter left right right left

current method print text:

page.canvas.drawtext(strobj, mainxmlnode.pdffont, nothing, pdfnode.pdfbrush, pdfnode.x , pageposy, pdfnode.angle)

method definition of drawtext

public sub drawtext(byval text string, byval font o2s.components.pdf4net.graphics.pdffont, byval pen o2s.components.pdf4net.graphics.pdfpen, byval brush o2s.components.pdf4net.graphics.pdfbrush, byval x single, byval y single, byval orientation single)

changing orientation/angle +180 or -180 causes text drawn upsidedown. not quite result needed.

my thought utilize strinverse inverse order of string , print right left. yet lastly step keeps bugging me. can't seem find right method/parameters alter direction string printed.

so question all, have of come across same problem , how did tackle it?

thank time

update: other (non pdf4net) solutions welcome aswell.

note: has .net 2.0 compatible

i've found solution: method drawtext has definition:

public sub drawtext(byval text string, byval font o2s.components.pdf4net.graphics.pdffont, byval pen o2s.components.pdf4net.graphics.pdfpen, byval brush o2s.components.pdf4net.graphics.pdfbrush, byval x single, byval y single, byval orientation single, byval align o2s.components.pdf4net.graphics.shapes.textalign)

don't decieved name align. isn't align within textbox. although has same possiblities:

bottomcenter bottomleft bottomright middlecenter ...

when using drawtext-method align, start printing in direction. example

public sub drawtext("abc",....,12,14,0,textalign.bottomright)

this print abcstarting @ (x= 12 & y=14) letters printed left of point starting c

it follows point presenting (by approximation) x=12 & y=14:


.net vb.net drawtext
