android - addAction buttons in notification bar don't appear -

android - addAction buttons in notification bar don't appear -

i have code

notification n = new notification.builder(this) .setticker("here text") .setcontenttitle("title") .setcontenttext ("alot of text")) .setsmallicon(r.drawable.icon_notif) .setcontentintent(sender) .setautocancel(true) .addaction(r.drawable.btn_media_play, "play", playpendingintent) .addaction(r.drawable.btn_media_pause, "pause", pausependingintent) .build(); n.icon = r.drawable.ic_stat; notificationmanager.notify(1, n);

but in notification bar (when send app in backgorund) doesnt show buttons below play , pause, has ideea why ?

i've tested app on galaxy 2 , galaxy 3 , shows buttons, main problems were:

in first place had unplug usb cable computer , run app 1 time again in order see buttons

and in sec galaxy tab 3 lite 7.0 (i think it's tabs) it's @sundeep said, have wait you're finger on notification bar 1/2 seconds , swipe downwards appear buttons added

android notifications
