github - How to setup latest version of liquibase through bash script? -

github - How to setup latest version of liquibase through bash script? -

i used install liquibase older version e.g


and proceed extraction , move desired location . unable locate latest version of liquibase on github. removed or unavailable ?

liquibase download page has link source-forge , help me how wget bundle source-forge ?

edit not sure of github, seems there no builds available latest version. however, finish script looks this:

#!/bin/bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-7-jre-headless sudo apt-get install -y libmysql-java lv="3.1.1" function setupliquibase(){ source $home/.profile installed="$(command -v liquibase)" # if not added if [ -z "$liquibase_home" ] echo 'export mysql_jconnector=/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar'|sudo tee -a $home/.profile echo 'export liquibase_home=/usr/local/liquibase' |sudo tee -a $home/.profile echo 'export path=$path:$liquibase_home'|sudo tee -a $home/.profile fi if [ -z "$installed" ] echo "installing liquibase $lv " sudo rm -rf liquibase* wget"$lv"-bin.tar.gz gunzip liquibase-"$lv"-bin.tar.gz sudo mkdir /usr/local/liquibase sudo tar -xf liquibase-"$lv"-bin.tar -c /usr/local/liquibase sudo chmod +x /usr/local/liquibase/liquibase else installed="$(liquibase --version)" echo "liquibase installed, ${installed}" fi } setupliquibase

try download command line

wget -o liquibase-3.2.0-bin.tar.gz

to take filename download can specify alternative -o nomefile (note capital o not 0).

if forget (like did first time) specify -o nomefile have on hard disk file name guessed wget. so:

http://site/fullpath/liquibase-3.2.0-bin.tar.gz/download --> download

and after have rename by hands file download.

if instead

http://site/fullpath/liquibase-3.2.0-bin.tar.gz --> liquibase-3.2.0-bin.tar.gz

you have straight file right name.

bash github liquibase sourceforge
