Can Liquibase detect if it has already run? -

Can Liquibase detect if it has already run? -

i have little set of scripts manage build/test/deployment of app. decided wanted switch liquibase db schema management. script working both on developer machines regularly blow away , rebuild database , on deployed environment adding new changesets.

when programme first runs on deployed environment need observe if liquibase has run or not , run changelogsync sync existing tables.

other manually checking if database changelog table exists there way liquibase api allow me know has run @ to the lowest degree once?

i'm using java core library in groovy

the easiest way ((standardchangeloghistoryservice) changeloghistoryservicefactory.getinstance().getchangelogservice(database)).hasdatabasechangelogtable()

the changeloghistoryservice interface returned liquibase.changelog.changeloghistoryservicefactory doesn't have method check if table exists, standardchangeloghistoryservice implementation does.

