wamp - apache aliasmatch return 404 -

wamp - apache aliasmatch return 404 -

i have next line in httpd.conf file:

aliasmatch ^/myproject/src/foobar/(?:.*)$ /myproject/src/foobar/index.html

what i'd happen url matches pattern of http://localhost/myproject/src/foobar/(.*)$ redirect index.html file have hanging out in @ http://localhost/myproject/src/foobar/. instead, 404 when seek access file within foobar folder. gives?

syntax: aliasmatch regex file-path|directory-path

examples: aliasmatch ^/one c:/wamp/www/index.php [windows] aliasmatch ^/icons(.*) /usr/local/apache/icons$1 [linux]

apache wamp alias
