python - API registration and authentication service -

python - API registration and authentication service -

i'm working on api registration , authentication service application using python. developers able register application (domain name of application) , random api key generated registered application.

next, registered application send api key api service each api request. api server authenticate domain of incoming request passed api key confirm request valid. i'm using forwarded host validated domain name of api request, doesn't work in cases (when opened page first page), forwards host comes blank.

are there improve approach authenticate request or changes required in api registration process reliably authenticate request? pointers helpful.

using authorization proxy

samples "", offering free tier, other commercial solutions exist too.

open source solution aware of apiaxle, much simpler, still useful.

the proxy takes care of managing access keys , forwards request real application in case, served.

using authorization service

another solution have internal service evaluating set of client provided keys (providerid, appid, accesskey, ...) authrized or not. purpose, have to:

set authorization service modify code adding 2-3 lines @ top of each phone call calling authentication service.

sample code 3scale here:

conclusions authentication proxy makes application simple , not bothering asking. can advantage until application needs know asking. authentication service requires changing code.

python api http authentication
