numberformatexception - number format exeption in java -

numberformatexception - number format exeption in java -

hello i`m working on project , had convert hex string binary string used lot of methods code below useful me although code creates unknown hex number "l" looks 1 not one, 1 know thing is(l)? , how did appear , how prepare , convert "1" ?

public string hextobin(string hex){ string bin =new string(); string binfragment =new string(); int ihex; hex = hex.trim(); hex = hex.replacefirst("0x",""); for(int = 0; < hex.length(); i++){ ihex = integer.parseint(""+hex.charat(i),16); binfragment = integer.tobinarystring(ihex); while(binfragment.length() < 4){ binfragment = "0" + binfragment; } bin += binfragment; }

you should utilize integer.decode() instead of integer.parseint() handles hex strings well. see;

java numberformatexception


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