java - creation of aspect similar to @Transaction in spring -

java - creation of aspect similar to @Transaction in spring -

i reading this link have doubt. here defining aspect getting called e.g. @pointcut("execution(* com.tutorialspoint.*.*(..))"). if want fire aspect explicitly mention aspect or annotation, how that? illustration in particular method of class if annotate annotation particular aspect should called similar @transaction in spring. how similar thing. thanks.

there perchance 2 annotatable points interested in: class and/or method.

if interested in class having particular annotation, can utilize @within(someannotationtype) or within(@someannotationtype *). combine execution pick out execution of method in annotated type execution(* *(..)) && @within(someannotationtype)

if interested in particular method beingness annotated can utilize @pointcut("execution(@someannotationtype * *.*(..))"). in case doesn't matter if type annotated. see annotation goes @ front end of method signature.

and can of course of study combine these two, spring does:

pointcut executionofmethodinannotatedtype: execution(* *(..)) && @within(myannotation); pointcut executionofannotatedmethod(): execution(@myannotation * *(..)); pointcut executionofinterestingmethod(): executionofmethodinannotatedtype() || executionofannotatedmethod();

java spring aspectj


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