Jenkins - Promoted Builds in Pipeline, configuring parameters in promotion action -

Jenkins - Promoted Builds in Pipeline, configuring parameters in promotion action -

when set project a triggers project b (with parameters) , project b triggers project c1 , c2 whole chain (with parameters) shows neatly in build pipeline view of jenkins:

however have added promoted build setting on project b tracks completion of c1 and c2.

there 3 problems this:

a) minor thing, wondered if doing wrong seems essential functionality me: promotion (stars) not visible in build pipeline view.

b) worse, set promotion action (of b) trigger new job d. works, cannot pass build parameters of job b along (d receives unexpanded value ${}).

c) project d job triggered promotion runs , shows triggered b, see in promotion log of b triggered it. not show in build pipeline view, there way added (it not show downstream build). help share fingerprinted artifact?

a) build pipeline not have functionality show promotion stars in it.

b) way have passed parameters correct. should work when utilize ${} on build steps. but if utilize in 'execute batch command step' not work. have utilize on batch command.

c)builds triggered promotion not visible because it's bug in build pipeline plugin.

build jenkins jenkins-plugins pipeline
