How can I make a 3D heart with good sense in MatLab? -

How can I make a 3D heart with good sense in MatLab? -

i want create 3d heart,append @ to the lowest degree 2 effects heart, such materials, lights, , on.and create animation using heart,and animation supposed create sense. imagination is:the heart can against walls,after several collisions heart became means after hardships , dangers 1 man can stronger.

i've finished 3d heart, without materials or animation:

%(x^2 + (9/4)y^2 + z^2 - 1)^3 - x^2z^3 - (9/80)y^2z^3 = 0 -3<=x,y,z<=3 [x,y,z]=meshgrid(linspace(-3,3)); %做出网格meshgrid p=(x.^2+(9/4)*y.^2+z.^2-1).^3-x.^2.*z.^3-(9/80)*y.^2.*z.^3; %实现结果的表达 isosurface(x,y,z,p,0); %使用函数做图mesh surf axis equal; axis off; view(0,35); %视角的控制 colormap([1 0 0]); %绘图颜色红色 brighten(1.0); %增亮 camlight left; %光源位置 lighting p; %光照模式

here i've searched in internet,about ball running against wall

figure(1);%定义函数 axis([-5.1,5,-0.05,1.05]);%绘制二维图形 hold on;%保持当前图形及轴系所有的特性 axis('off');%覆盖坐标刻度,并填充背景 %通过填充绘出台阶及两边的挡板 fill([4.12,4.22,4.22,4.12],[-0.05,-0.05,1.05,1.05],'y'); fill([-5,-3.2,-3.2,-5],[-0.05,-0.05,0,0],'g'); fill([-3.2,-2.8,-2.8,-3.2],[-0.05,-0.05,0.2,0.2],'g'); fill([-3.2,-1.4,-1.4,-3.2],[0.2,0.2,0.25,0.25],'g'); fill([-1.4,-1,-1,-1.4],[0.2,0.2,0.45,0.45],'g'); fill([-1.4,0.4,0.4,-1.4],[0.45,0.45,0.5,0.5],'g'); fill([0.4,0.8,0.8,0.4],[0.45,0.45,0.7,0.7],'g'); fill([0.4,2.0,2.0,0.4],[0.7,0.7,0.75,0.75],'g'); fill([2.0,2.3,2.3,2.0],[-0.05,-0.05,0.75,0.75],'g'); fill([2.3,4.12,4.12,2.3],[-0.05,-0.05,0,0],'g'); %x2=line([-5,5],[0.25,0.25],'color','g','linestyle','-', 'markersize',50)%设置台阶边框线,颜色,擦试方式 %line([-5,5],[0.5,0.5],'color','b','linestyle','-', 'markersize',50)%设置球与地面接触面的颜色,擦试方式 %line([-5,5],[0.75,0.75],'color','b','linestyle','-', 'markersize',50)%设置球与地面接触面的颜色,擦试方式 head=line(-5,1,'color','r','linestyle','.','erasemode','xor', 'markersize',60);%设置小球颜色,大小,线条和擦试方式 %body=line(-5,1,'color','b','linestyle','-','erasemode','none'); %描绘轨迹线 %设置初始条件 while 1 t=4; dt=0.001; w=0; dw=0.001; w=0;%设置球弹起的初始位置 %设置球弹起的高度 while t<=4.12 t=dt+t; if w<=1 w=dw+w; else w=-1; end y=(-w*w)+1; set(head,'xdata',t,'ydata',y);%设置球的运动 %set(body,'xdata',t,'ydata',y);%描绘轨迹线 drawnow; end %结束程序 w=0;%设置球弹起的初始位置 %设置球弹起的高度 while t>=2.11 t=t-dt; if w<=1 w=dw+w; else w=-1; end y=(-w*w)+1; set(head,'xdata',t,'ydata',y);%设置球的运动 %set(body,'xdata',t,'ydata',y);%描绘轨迹线 drawnow; end %结束程序 w=0;%设置球弹起的初始位置 %设置球弹起的高度 while t>=1.11 t=t-dt; if w<=1 w=dw+w; else w=-1; end y=(-w*w)/4+1; set(head,'xdata',t,'ydata',y);%设置球的运动 %set(body,'xdata',t,'ydata',y);%描绘轨迹线 drawnow; end %结束程序 w=-0.71;%设置球弹起的初始位置 %设置球弹起的高度 while t>=-0.62 t=t-dt; if w<=1 w=dw+w; else w=-1; end y=(-w*w)/2+1; set(head,'xdata',t,'ydata',y);%设置球的运动 %set(body,'xdata',t,'ydata',y);%描绘轨迹线 drawnow; end %结束程序 w=-0.71;%设置球弹起的初始位置 %设置球弹起的高度 while t>=-2.31 t=t-dt; if w<=1 w=dw+w; else w=-1; end y=(-w*w)/2+0.75; set(head,'xdata',t,'ydata',y);%设置球的运动 %set(body,'xdata',t,'ydata',y);%描绘轨迹线 drawnow; end %结束程序 w=-0.71;%设置球弹起的初始位置 %设置球弹起的高度 while t>=-4 t=t-dt; if w<=1 w=dw+w; else w=-1; end y=(-w*w)/2+0.5; set(head,'xdata',t,'ydata',y);%设置球的运动 %set(body,'xdata',t,'ydata',y);%描绘轨迹线 drawnow; end %结束程序 i=0:0.01:200%设置延时 y=i+2; if(y>199) end end end

how can come accomplish imagination?if impossible,similarity ok start studying matlab short time.thanx help!

it generates heart shape , maltab core functions, can re-shape it, move , generate bouncing effect.

see also: how reproduce heart-shaped mesh in matlab?

matlab 3d volume wireframe


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