caching - How to preserve apt-cache archive directory when using docker / host volumes -

caching - How to preserve apt-cache archive directory when using docker / host volumes -

the utilize case straightforward. dockerizing our local provisioning (which utilizes chef configure our ubuntu servers). using few info volumes share host directories want cache docker containers: eg:

docker run -d -p -h docker -v /foo/apt-cache:/var/cache/apt/archives foo:base

however, debian bundle files in /var/cache/apt/archives directory maintain getting blown out after each bundle install. can point me happens in docker , workaround, can preserve apt-get cache nicely across containers?

thanks in advance

sharing /var/cache/apt/archives seems fragile solution. maybe should give seek setting container running apt-cacher-ng , configure apt on other containers utilize proxy.

docker has article explaining how set up.

caching ubuntu chef docker apt-get
