c# - Binding a collection not working -

c# - Binding a collection not working -

i'm working on windows phone app has listbox itemtemplate. i'm trying bind observablecollection of viewmodel listbox nil beingness shown.

the xaml of page looks this:

... <phone:phoneapplicationpage.resources> <datatemplate x:key="myitemtemplate"> <grid height="auto" verticalalignment="top" width="auto"> <grid.rowdefinitions> <rowdefinition height="auto" /> <rowdefinition height="*" /> </grid.rowdefinitions> <textblock text="{binding path=name}" style="{staticresource phonetextlargestyle}" grid.row="0"/> <textblock text="{binding path=description}" style="{staticresource phonetextsubtlestyle}" grid.row="1"/> </grid> </datatemplate> </phone:phoneapplicationpage.resources> ... <grid x:name="contentpanel" grid.row="1" margin="12,0,12,0"> <listbox x:name="mylistbox" itemssource="{binding path=myitems, mode=twoway}" margin="12, 0, 12, 0" itemtemplate="{staticresource myitemtemplate}"/> </grid> ...

and here's classes myitem , myviewmodel has observablecollection i'm trying bind to:

public class myitem { public string name { get; set; } public string description { get; set; } } public class myviewmodel { public readonly observablecollection<myitem> myitems = new observablecollection<myitem>(); }

i still have implement inotifypropertychanged interface.

and lastly, in constructor of page set datacontext instance of viewmodel:

public mainpage() { myviewmodel viewmodel = new myviewmodel(); viewmodel.myitems.add(new myitem() { name = "1st", description = "description" }); viewmodel.myitems.add(new myitem() { name = "2nd", description = "description" }); this.datacontext = viewmodel; }

that doesn't work. however, if set itemssource of listbox in code works fine!

mylistbox.itemssource = viewmodel;

so missing here?

your myitems not property cannot bind it.

public class myviewmodel { private readonly observablecollection<myitem> _myitems = new observablecollection<myitem>(); public observablecollection<myitem> myitems { get{ homecoming _myitems; } } }

try this. allow create 1 way binding there no setter available.

c# xaml windows-phone-8 mvvm
