php - Which enviroment variable specifies current path? -

php - Which enviroment variable specifies current path? -

i'm communicating debian computer via ssh2 php extension. (not well) documented function ssh2_exec states it's 4th argument is

an associative array of name/value pairs set in target environment.

i want operate upon different path ~ perform ls on other directories (as making communication more comfortable). should set?

ssh2_exec($connection, "ls", null, array("???" => "/var/www/"));

none of them. current path part of process state, not environment. shells utilize pwd environment variable indicate current path is, has no special meaning — setting won't anything.

if want list contents of path isn't home directory, pass argument ls:

ssh2_exec($connection, "ls $path");

if need run command care working directory, utilize cd:

ssh2_exec($connection, "cd $path; command");

php ssh debian
