How to edit PHP configuration command in MAMP to exclude intl package -

How to edit PHP configuration command in MAMP to exclude intl package -

i using mamp pro 3.0.5 run apache/php on computer, running os x (yosemite dp2). installed old project on server, conflict intl bundle beingness initialized (i guess not on previous setup).

the phpinfo() provides me fact, intl laoded through configuration command, ends:

'--with-mcrypt=shared,/applications/mamp/library' '--with-openssl' '--enable-zip' '--with-iconv=/applications/mamp/library' '--enable-opcache' '--enable-cgi' '--enable-intl' '--with-icu-dir=/applications/mamp/library' '--with-tidy=shared'

i cannot figure out edit this, can remove --enable-intl?

update 1

there not reference intl in php.ini:

update 2

$ /applications/mamp/bin/php/php5.5.10/bin/php --ini configuration file (php.ini) path: /applications/mamp/bin/php/php5.5.10/conf loaded configuration file: /applications/mamp/bin/php/php5.5.10/conf/php.ini scan additional .ini files in: (none) additional .ini files parsed: (none)

php mamp intl


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