vxWorks-Workbench 6.8 unresolved C++ symbols -

vxWorks-Workbench 6.8 unresolved C++ symbols -

i made vxworks project, using downloadable kernel module in vxworks. builds perfectly, when download simulation environment complain unresolved c++ libraries.

this code

#include <iostream> int helloworld() { std::cout << "hello world\n"; homecoming 0; }

i unresolved std::uncaught_exception(), __cxa_end_catch, __gx_personality_v0, std::cout.....etc.

anyone have had problem ? seems it's not including c++ libraries...if so, knows how add together ?


normally, in "build tools" tab of project properties "linker" dropdown list should bring next parameters c++ dkm ppc project:

echo "building $@"; rm -f %outfile%; ddump -ng %objects% %libraries% | tclsh $(wind_base)/host/resource/hutils/tcl/munch.tcl -c ppc -tags $(vsb_dir)/tags/ppc/ppc32/common/dkm.tags > $(obj_dir)/ctdt.c; %ccompilerprefix% $(tool_path) dcc %debugmodeflags% $(cc_arch_spec) -xdollar-in-ident -xforce-declarations $(added_cflags) %includes% $(added_includes) -dcpu=$(cpu) -dtool_family=$(tool_family) -dtool=$(tool) -d_wrs_kernel -d_vsb_config_file=\"$(vsb_config_file)\" $(defines) -o $(obj_dir)/ctdt.o -c $(obj_dir)/ctdt.c; %linkerprefix% $(tool_path)dld -tppcfh:vxworks68 -x -r5 %toolflags% -o %outfile% $(obj_dir)/ctdt.o %objects% %libraries% $(libpath) $(libs) $(added_libpath) $(added_libs) && if [ "$(expand_dbg)" = "1" ]; plink "$@";fi

check if wat have in project. around %libraries% part.

p.s. nevermind formatting - readability.

c++ vxworks workbench


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