vb.net - How can I debug a referenced DLL file from Visual Studio 2013? -

vb.net - How can I debug a referenced DLL file from Visual Studio 2013? -

to start, know question has been asked 1000000 times on place, have no experience vb/visual studio, can't find solution can create sense of.

i creating new vb.net project(solution?), , making calls functions c library in dll file. dll file have pdb file , both stored @ same location.

in code below shows how declare functions in vb.net code, have not figured out how attach pdb file project.

declare function initrelay lib "z:\devel\relayapi\debug\relayapi.dll" (byval setbaud action(of short), byval getit func(of short, short), byval putit action(of short), byval flushit action, byval delay action(of short)) byte declare sub freerelay lib "z:\devel\relayapi\debug\relayapi.dll" () ...

i getting exception somewhere in dll file, way have set up, can not debug dll file. whether adding breakpoints, or print statements, need way see in dll project fails.

questions have looked at:

how debug referenced dll - tried next menu path given in accepted answer, when go project >> project properties see no build option. says can load symbols straight in ide if don't want re-create files, cannot find explanation on how it. edit - plutonix says below, c# build equivalent of vb's compile tab. checked , debug info set full, not solve problem. debugging third-party dll in visual studio? - talks dll in .net language mine in c. tells how view code, can do. have access .c , .h files used create dll, cannot debug them @ runtime.

when debug dll, can start debugging from: project used create executable calls dll. - or - project used create dll itself.

there couple of ways debug reference dll file using vs 2013, here method microsoft uses

-->to specify executable debug session

in solution explorer, select project creates dll. from view menu, take property pages. in property pages dialog box, open configuration properties folder , select debugging category. in command box, specify path name container. example, c:\program files\myapplication\myapp.exe. in command arguments box, specify necessary arguments executable.

here included 2 different methods debugging dll file straight microsoft.

1> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/605a12zt.aspx (native mode)

2> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/kbaht4dh.aspx (mixed mode)

if anyhelp or solved problem please create sure drop "vote up"

ref. info personal experience , microsoft

vb.net debugging dll visual-studio-2013


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