Android App Signature Key -

Android App Signature Key -

i want key-hash signed signature of android app can integrate facebook login in android app. have created signed signature using androidtools-->export signed application package. how can read key generated in signature file.

solution 1:

try link: found using facebook method of getting hash key did not work advertised. link however, has different method of getting hash key , has pretty much worked.

solution 2:

that beingness said, found simplest thing was, allow facebook sdk tell hash key is. far more simpler , shouldn't take more couple of minutes.

step 1: in facebook sdk, locate class. in that, alter this:

private static boolean enable_log = false; to:

private static boolean enable_log = true; step 2: create new signed apk, transfer device , install. if installed, naturally, prompt.

step 3: ddms (logcat) running , device connected computer, run application , maintain looking key mismatch warning. warning has actual hash key. re-create key, go facebook developer page , add together new key list.

android android-facebook
