objective c - iOS - Retrieve cell titles in parent view from an embedded UITableView within a container -

objective c - iOS - Retrieve cell titles in parent view from an embedded UITableView within a container -


im trying uitableviewcells title text parent view, uitableview in embedded through container..

heres image show layout:


the button has ibaction adds rest of info pointers saves object..

so ideally say:

nsstring *celltitlepoint = childview.cell.title.text; [newobject setobject: celltitlepointer forkey:@"newobjectkey"];

but doesn't work that!

im not sure how much more detail can into, i've seen few questions similar none have answered specific question.. help much appreciated!

thank you

you have wrong approach. table views take care of displaying info data source table view. don't manipulate fields straight - allow table view take care of it.

if want alter data, alter info model (usually array of sort) , tell table view update 1 or more cells. @ simplest, can phone call table view's reloaddata method, reloads contents. if you've changed values of cells, it's improve tell table view update cells, using method reloadrowsatindexpaths:withrowanimation:.

also, it's best allow embedded table view controller manage table view you. subclass uitableviewcontroller , create methods in subclass allow parent vc notify table view controller changes data.

ios objective-c uitableview parent-child
