objective c - How to filter json data using UISegmentedControl in iOS -

objective c - How to filter json data using UISegmentedControl in iOS -

i working ios apps developer. json response need consume available @ http://pastie.org/9304213 . using want filter info in uisegmentcontrol 3 buttons. i.e 1. day 2. week 3.month.

->if click date segment command displays today info in uitableview controller.

->if click week segment command displays current week info in uitableview controller.

->if click month segment command displays current month info in uitableview controller.

i new ios programming. please guide.

this might help you. fetching , parsing json data, can utilize in controller .m file. have check on whether server sending json in proper format or not. json should start '[' or '{'.

nsurl *url=[nsurl urlwithstring:@"yourserviceurl"]; nsdata *response = [nsdata datawithcontentsofurl:url]; nserror *error; nsdictionary *jsonarray = [nsjsonserialization jsonobjectwithdata:response options: nsjsonreadingmutablecontainers error: &error];

now have info in nsdictionary object , can extract particular info using objectforkey or valueforkey functions :

_array = [jsonarray valueforkey:@"keyfield"];

now if want toggle between 3 switch values, can seek this.

-(ibaction)segmentchanged:(id)sender { if ([_segmentcontrol selectedsegmentindex]==0) { //your code } else if ([_segmentcontrol selectedsegmentindex]==1) { //your code } else { //your code } }

you have connect event valuechanged event of uisegmentcontrol.this job when click on of segment values. identify index of clicked segment , run appropriate loop.

hope helps.

ios objective-c json nsdateformatter uisegmentedcontrol
