ruby on rails - how to display data from a associated model -

ruby on rails - how to display data from a associated model -

currently stuck on problem

i have company.rb model has_many :applications

the application.rb model belongs_to :company , has_many :answers

the answer.rb model belongs_to :application.rb , has_many :users

the user.rb model has_many :answers

i allow company create application. there can input questions. user can view them , answers stored in answer.rb.

what i'm trying display current_company.applications have received answer.

i tried this:

<% @applications.all.each |f| %> <%= f.answers.answer_1 %><br> <% end %>

whilst having controller:

def applicants @applications = current_company.applications end

however undefined method `answer_1'. doesn't seem i'm available access it. store this: applications has company_id , answers has application_id , user_id.

i thought doing way i'm able access applications created current company. there can view application_id in answers one's i'm outputting it's not working.

i think understood way can access nested models wrongly.

when application has_many: :answers, @application.answers collection can iterate through. illustration (in view):

<% @applications.each |application| %> <% application.answers.each |answer| %> <%= answer.text %> <% end %> <% end %>

(assuming reply model has text attribute).

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3


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