r - Make a matrix of plots with row and column titles -

r - Make a matrix of plots with row and column titles -

using par(mfrow = c(m,n)) command can create matrix of plots m rows , n columns.

in special cases, there pattern in plots, such plots in each column share of import attribute, , plots in each row share different of import attribute. such info can included in title of each of m*n plots individually, repetitive.

is there convenient way append column names (only above top row of plots) , row names (only left of left column of plots) in such grid?

best solution far: utilize text() command place text outside of left-and-top plots. pretty unsatisfactory, requires many separate commands, , tweaking arguments such srt = 90 create text vertical on left margin, , using xpd = na within of par().

the lattice , ggplot2 packages have tools creating multiple plots in grid. may speed entire process if apply want do.

library(lattice) splom( ~ iris[,1:4], data=iris, groups=species ) xyplot( mpg ~ wt | factor(cyl)*factor(am), data=mtcars ) library(ggplot2) p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + geom_point() p + facet_grid(am ~ cyl)

using base of operations graphics can start setting outer margin, see oma argument par command, utilize mtext function write text outer margin labels.

par( oma=c(0,6,6,0), mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(2,2,1,1)+0.1 ) with(iris, plot(sepal.width, petal.width, ann=false)) mtext( 'width', side=3, line=2, at=grconvertx(0.5,'npc','nic'), outer=true ) mtext( 'width', side=2, line=2, at=grconverty(0.5,'npc','nic'), outer=true ) mtext( 'sepal', side=3, line=4, outer=true, cex=2 ) mtext( 'petal', side=2, line=4, outer=true, cex=2 ) with(iris, plot(sepal.length, petal.width, ann=false)) mtext( 'length', side=3, line=2, at=grconvertx(0.5,'npc','nic'), outer=true ) with(iris, plot(sepal.width, petal.length, ann=false)) mtext( 'length', side=2, line=2, at=grconverty(0.5, 'npc','nic'), outer=true ) with(iris, plot(sepal.length, petal.length, ann=false))

r plot


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