yarn - Submit Spark with additional input -

yarn - Submit Spark with additional input -

i have used spark build machine learning pipeline, takes job xml file input users can specify data, features, models , parameters. reason using job xml input file users can modify xml file config pipeline , not need re-compile source code. however, spark job typically packaged uber-jar file, , seems there no way provide additional xml inputs when job submitted yarn.

i wonder if there solutions or alternatives?

i'd spark-jobserver can utilize submit job spark cluster configuration. might have adapt xml json format used config or maybe encapsulate somehow.

here's illustration on how submit job + config:

curl -d "input.string = b c b see" 'localhost:8090/jobs?appname=test&classpath=spark.jobserver.wordcountexample' { "status": "started", "result": { "jobid": "5453779a-f004-45fc-a11d-a39dae0f9bf4", "context": "b7ea0eb5-spark.jobserver.wordcountexample" } }

apache-spark yarn


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