swift - Create CString from NSData -

swift - Create CString from NSData -

i have c api takes pointer arbitrary binary info function signatures following:

void receivedata(const char *data, size_t length);

the bridging header imports swift next definition:

func receivedata(data: cstring, length: uint)

i sense i'm missing basic, can't seem work out how cstring arbitrary nsdata - options seem conversion nsstring or string literal. how create cstring?

it create more sense able pass through cconstpointer<cchar>, compiler isn't having bar of - there way modify swift signature generated bridging header?

edit: cstring removed in xcode 6 beta 4. release notes:

the cstring type has been removed. values of type const char * imported constunsafepointer instead of cstring. c macros expand string literals imported string.

a c string null-terminated. arbitrary binary info doesn't need null terminated. think problem bridging mechanism sees char * , thinks "c string". perhaps if changed void *, more appropriate type in swift.

swift nsdata


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