javascript - JWPlayer and IE11 -- Could not add internal listener -

javascript - JWPlayer and IE11 -- Could not add internal listener -

the player works fine on other browsers, isn't working in ie11. i'm getting error message "could not add together internal listener" 8 times (one time each playlist item, assume).

the script gets onready event, never gets onplay. i'm running version 6.8. have confirmed playlist beingness generated should, , mentioned, works in browsers except ie11.

//get our playlist var playlistitems = []; $(coursexml).find("audiofile").each(function() { var newitem = { file: "assets/audio/"+ $(this).text(), type: "mp3" }; playlistitems.push(newitem); }); //redoing playlist jwplayer("mediaplayer").setup({ flashplayer: "js/jwplayer.flash.swf", html5player: "js/jwplayer.html5.js", controls: false, width: 1, height: 1, autostart: false, playlist: playlistitems, allowscriptaccess: 'always', events: { oncomplete: function() { alert("i'm completed"); }, onready: function() { alert("i'm ready"); }, onplay: function() { alert("i'm playing!"); } } });

javascript jwplayer


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