html - How can I create a button with an image? -

html - How can I create a button with an image? -

i have image want utilize button on page links other pages. want create in way can utilize little , big texts on it.

the image in question:

i have tried can go no it.

a { background:url(; background-size:contain; background-repeat:no-repeat; display:inline-block; padding:30px 100px; height:20px; color:black; font-size:16px; }

js fiddle

i think have split image, if seek repeat using finish image, repeat rounded parts. take left , right, , pixel center. see reply reference button using 3 (3) background images css

the old school version using 3 classes left , right , 1 center repeating background.create button using 3 images

now, mentioned in comments, unless decided on background images part, pure css solution work better.

html css button


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