ruby - How to prevent Rails from creating empty rows on post -

ruby - How to prevent Rails from creating empty rows on post -

i have migration:

class createcourses < activerecord::migration def alter create_table :courses, :id => false |t| t.uuid :id, :primary_key => true, :null => false t.datetime :date_start, :null => false t.float :price, :null => false t.datetime :date_end t.text :description t.text :location, :null => false t.timestamps end end end

and have create method in controller:

def create course of study =[:course]) if render :nothing => true else render "public/422", :status => 422 homecoming end end

right now, when create phone call create method data, creates new empty row in course table. want create sure object sent create course of study object, , location , cost (for example) not empty , exist.

i have mvc background, origin larn rails.

p.s how homecoming success 200 response on successful creation, instead of render :nothing => true?

check model validations:

but example:

class library < activerecord::base has_many :books validates_associated :books end

ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-4


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