html - Ways to Improve Extremely Slow Codeigniter Website -

html - Ways to Improve Extremely Slow Codeigniter Website -

i'm experiencing very slow loading on website.

at first thought maybe code slow, after comparing previous work same work, migrating codeigniter can loading slower.

do have suggestion or ways improve performance of codeigniter?

improve performance of codeigniter

performance depends on framework, ci 1 of fastest.

your project performance depends on code, how utilize php, how create queries , maintain js code.

short reply question:

ci active record class garbage, utilize classic queries / alternative pdo. use advantage of condition-loading helpers/modules don't utilize security class functions unless it's necessary study config files, there much can disable speed up.

this can help, may not, best way avoid performance problems study how languages work, illustration can valuable performance info about php here.

html performance codeigniter


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