nosql - Couchbase as read through caching layer in the cloud + backend database -

nosql - Couchbase as read through caching layer in the cloud + backend database -

our web architecture based on commercial products both in memory caching , relational backend database.

in context of investigating moving web stack cloud, looking @ couchbase both caching layer (which sit down in cloud, next apps) potentially replacing internal database couchbase document oriented nosql database (at to the lowest degree read portion).

that mean have create next changes:

asymmetric read/write...the apps read cache write backend systems of record (read >> write). backend systems of record update internal nosql database in turn populate cache implement read through cache....apps in cloud talk in memory caching layer (including xcdr). if objects not found in cache, cache should automatically retrieve info internal backend couchbase db, without application code beingness aware of (not side cache)

so, questions are:

is having cloud based caching layer plus nosql internal backend database valid pattern ? is possible implement read through cache couchbase, i.e. the cb caching layer transparently retrieve info backend db if not found in cache ? if yes, kind of backends supported (relational db's, nosql, couchbase itself) regardless of whether implementing side cache (i.e. apps first talk cache , backend) or read through cache (i.e. apps talk cache, , cache talks backend), how expose couchbase info manipulation api via http, or recommended utilize couchbase sdk across wan links (in terms of latency) ? how memcached api play ?

thx nick

have few questions , comments: q#1, i'd question why need cache when have couchbase already. given can scale out , cache aggresively if want that, caching tier next couchbase buys you? #2, couchbase not have transperant auto population/write-through facility. app need that. #3, sdks give best alternative here. couchbase has compatibility memcached apis using sdks tap total powerfulness of couchbase additional facilities natively available you.

caching nosql cloud couchbase
