netbeans - Attempting to Compile C++ App, Header File Not Found -

netbeans - Attempting to Compile C++ App, Header File Not Found -

i attempting compile c++ application using netbeans. first c++ application i've built in while. surprise have setup environment , configured including netbeans, mingw, , msys; problem have while attempting compile file note found error. error message below states isn't nowadays can navigate in windows file scheme in netbeans part of project. have no uncertainty there simple step overlooking. file part of boost api , it's root folder in folder of project in turn included source folder project (under options).

g++ -c -g -mmd -mp -mf "build/debug/mingw-windows/addrman.o.d" -o build/debug/mingw- windows/addrman.o addrman.cpp in file included netbase.h:10:0, addrman.h:7, addrman.cpp:5: serialize.h:19:48: fatal error: boost/type_traits/is_fundamental.hpp: no such file or directory #include <boost/type_traits/is_fundamental.hpp>

is description , error message sufficient information? in advance help. ^

you have tell netbeans boost include directory. open project properties pop-up window, go "build -> c++ compiler" , add together directory "include directories" line. pop-up window should this:

c++ netbeans mingw
