php - Zend Framework 1 app inside Symfony2 -

php - Zend Framework 1 app inside Symfony2 -

i'm thinking of migrating big web app zend framework 1 symfony 2. need done in way allow maintenance , feature additions zf1 app, thought way forwards embed zf1 app within symfony2 project can move functionality 1 other.

my question how go sensibly. prove concept work i've modified phone call $kernel->handle() in app.php exceptions not caught, , i've caught notfoundhttpexception , used invoke zf front end controller (see code below), feels horrible hack. what's improve way accomplish this?

app_dev.php: ... seek { $kernel = new appkernel('dev', true); $kernel->loadclasscache(); $request = request::createfromglobals(); $response = $kernel->handle($request, null, false); // don't handle exceptions $response->send(); $kernel->terminate($request, $response); } grab (notfoundhttpexception $e) { require_once 'index.php'; // dispatch zf1 app }

i've implemented nicer solution doing along lines of what's described here:, i.e. implementing custom event handler kernel.request delegates zf1 app if route isn't found.

it still works catching notfoundhttpexception, isn't quite such hack.

is there improve way delegate zf1 app when routes aren't found symfony2 catching exception? using exception switch status doesn't seem nice.

php symfony2 zend-framework


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