php - Multiple return types of in a method? -

php - Multiple return types of in a method? -

i have rule class has check($input) method returns boolean true if input valid or returns string error message when invalid. , because in php can't specify homecoming type when declaring functions (like in java example), can homecoming whatever.

is best practice have method or variable return/contain 1 value type? e.g. boolean, string, or integer.

usually when i'm implementing interface, 1 homecoming type expected each of methods.

that allright of php functions have multiple homecoming type. illustration strpos() function

it homecoming number if worked correctly , homecoming boolean false if not work expected

however , gordonm said , multiple homecoming type may confuse when seek check wheater worked correctly or not. in general , multiple homecoming allright php functions.

php return return-value return-type
