objective c - layer.presentationLayer frame not returning proper display frame during UIView animation -

objective c - layer.presentationLayer frame not returning proper display frame during UIView animation -

i've been trying hold of frame of object displayed during uiview animation. reason being, have couple of ui elements want update stuff depends on position on screen.

i know view's frame property returns destination frame 1 time animation triggered i've been trying frame of presentation layer. example, view contains subview called handle. view animates handle current position using:

[uiview animatewithduration: 1 animations:^{ self.handle.frame = cgrectmake(100, 100, 100, 100) }];

handle has timer reports current frame using:

nslog(@"frame: %@", [nsvalue valuewithcgrect:[self.layer.presentationlayer frame]]);

i've tried variations on getting presentationlayer frame including:

((calayer *)self.layer.presentationlayer).frame

i've tried having timer in outer view reporting frame of handle:

[self.handle.layer.presentationlayer frame]

i've tried animating different variations on [uiview animatewithduration.... i've tried animating using setting cabasicanimation , [uiview beginanimations ... commitanimations].

i've tried on ipad2, ipad mini, , simulator, same problem.

in cases reports steady stream of identical cgrects. animations happen without other issue. i've got quartz imported on both superview , handle.

i sense i've exhausted many posts etc on topic can find. sense of should work, , other people seem of had success it, might in way of working?

any pointers appreciated.


objective-c animation uiview
