jquery - IE returns incomplete HTML via Ajax -

jquery - IE returns incomplete HTML via Ajax -

it comes downwards line:

jquery.ajax( { type : "post", url : "....", info : daten, datatype: 'html', success : function(response) { jquery('div[id="main"]').html(response); ...

the problem ist ie responds incomplete blocks of "response" depending of ie version use. not homecoming content in ie 8 whereas returns 90 % of content in ie-9. interesting thing is: in ie-9 cuts off html-code (like 10 lines) goes on. not cutting off randomly creates "holes" in html code.

in ie 10 works fine ... on machine, on others not.

we tried utilize append(), appendto(), empty(), innerhtml , stuff none of them worked.

also, working in demandware; there production instance, not show code correcty. other instances working same code-version.

seems beingness loaded additionally makes ajax phone call go cray in ie.

does have thought how prepare ?

the solution <!-- starting tag within javascript. because not closed divided \r, older ie browsers not handle it

jquery ajax internet-explorer
